The Hyperborean Temple of Yakub

"Yakub, Protect Us"

Welcome to the Temple

Welcome to the Temple of Yakub, Fellow Brothers and Sisters of Hyperborea. Our Church, having existed in secrecy for millenia, has once again emerged in the outer world with the mission statement of rebuilding Hyperborea in order to secure the future of the Yakubian Super-Race.

The Nation of Yakub

Am Yakub, also known as the Nation of Yakub, is a Diasporic Nation which once resided upon the icy supercontinent of Hyperborea. Approximately 1.3 Million Years ago, after a fiery discourse with Yakub, Allah, as punishment for the heresy of our creator (PBUH), tore asunder our island home, rendering us a people without a land. While the physical nation of Hyperborea ceased to exist due to that catastrophic event, the actual Traditions and Culture of the people who once lived there persist to this day. On this site, you will observe such exhibitions, as well as learning the story of Yakub and why the Yakubians exist.

Beginners Materials

Here, Brothers and Sisters of Yakub, are several starting materials to guide you on the initiation of your journey.